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Ironman punya keunikan dalam warna dan tampilan. Beda dengan Robocop jauh lebih canggih dan lebih berfantasy... Saya mau koleksi…


Gambar 1/2 manusia 1/2 kucing ditambah tatoo diseluruh badan menjadikan dia benar-benar 1/2 gila. Gigi manusia ini sudah berbentuk…


Coba tebak berapa ukuran babi raksasa ini? berapa kilogram beratnya? Ukuran kepalanya saja mungkin sudah seberat 5 manusia. Babi…


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Foto wanita tercantik tercantik sejagat planet dan woowww... coba perhatikan!!.. Tapi kenyataannya dia memang menang dalam kompetisi.. Woow... So cute…


Artis sinetron punya keunikan dalam warna dan tampilan. Beda dengan penyanyi jauh lebih canggih dan lebih berfantasy... Saya mau koleksi…


Gambar atau foto ini adalah gambar helm Ironman dalam versi 3D. Film akan diputar pada pertengahan tahun depan (2008).…


Gambar 1/2 manusia 1/2 kucing ditambah tatoo diseluruh badan menjadikan dia benar-benar 1/2 gila. Gigi manusia ini sudah berbentuk…


Coba tebak berapa ukuran babi raksasa ini? berapa kilogram beratnya? Ukuran kepalanya saja mungkin sudah seberat 5 manusia. Babi…


Serangan panas dan sembriwing.... Artikel ini berguna untuk semua. Bukan saja anjuran meminum air…


Gambar cewe tercantik sejagat Asia Raya menurut saya sih.. Tapi kenyataannya dia memang menang dalam kompetisi.. Woow... So cute…


Ironman punya keunikan dalam warna dan tampilan. Beda dengan Robocop jauh lebih canggih dan lebih berfantasy... Saya mau koleksi…


Gambar atau foto ini adalah gambar helm Ironman dalam versi 3D. Film akan diputar pada pertengahan tahun depan (2008).…


Gambar 1/2 manusia 1/2 kucing ditambah tatoo diseluruh badan menjadikan dia benar-benar 1/2 gila. Gigi manusia ini sudah berbentuk…


Coba tebak berapa ukuran babi raksasa ini? berapa kilogram beratnya? Ukuran kepalanya saja mungkin sudah seberat 5 manusia. Babi…


Serangan Jantung dan kebiasaan Minum Air Panas / hangat.... Artikel ini berguna untuk semua. Bukan saja anjuran meminum air…


Gambar cewe tercantik sejagat Asia Raya menurut saya sih.. gila..busett.... Woow... So cute…


Fantastic 4 punya keunikan dalam warna dan tampilan. Beda dengan girl powernya fs jauh lebih canggih dan lebih berfantasy... Saya mau koleksi…


Gambar atau foto ini adalah gambar helm Ironman dalam versi 3D. Film akan diputar pada pertengahan tahun depan (2008).…


Gambar 1/2 manusia 1/2 kucing ditambah tatoo diseluruh badan menjadikan dia benar-benar 1/2 gila. Gigi manusia ini sudah berbentuk…


Coba tebak berapa ukuran babi raksasa ini? berapa kilogram beratnya? Ukuran kepalanya saja mungkin sudah seberat 5 manusia. Babi…

Senin, 04 Februari 2008

[ErinsFanClub] Re: The Premiere of Zoey: Season 4

> Be back later ===

MUCH later as it turns out. Sarah got sick and that shut me down last

Holy "Shore Leave," Batman!!!!!

OK, you can officially put Dan Schneider in the Star Trek fan
category! This was a convoluted and toned down version of "Shore
Leave," with Dean Rivers filling the role of Captain Kirk many years
ago. I thought Shaymus was familiar - as a character. At first I
thought of Kim Possible's Duff Killigan, and there are similarities.
But then I figured out where I had seen this type of scenario before.
Captain Kirk's old nemesis was "Finnegan" - a young man who bullied him
in Star Fleet Academy. In the premise of the Star Trek episode,
Finnegan was still his age at Star Fleet, and made fun of Kirk being
an "old man" (sound familiar from last night)? Of course, both Shaymus
and Dean Rivers are the same age on Zoey, but Dan took that line as far
as it could go. Back to Star Trek, Kirk was annoyed by Finnegan and
spent the better part of the episode beating him up, and getting beat
up - only to realize in the end that he enjoyed the whole thing! And -
another parallel last night, both Dean Rivers and Shaymus realized in
the end that they not only enjoyed the fight, but each other's
company. Dean Rivers' shirt was even torn like Captain Kirk's, Dean
Rivers eventually won, like Captain Kirk.

There was no Alice in Wonderland rabbit to annoy Dr. McCoy, but there
was a squirrel to annoy Michael. There was certainly no romance
between McCoy and whoever his love interest was in that episode, or
Kirk and his lost love, but there sure was the continuing saga of Quinn
and Mark. There was no white knight jousting (and killing,
temporarily, McCoy), but there was Shaymus' leaf blower! Many - many
subtle parallels. The broadest of which is that the kids were in an
environment where they could give full freedom to their fantasies, at
least as far as PCA was concerned - like the Star Trek crew who could
live their ultimate fantasies on a world designed for it (sign me up
for a weekend on pleasure planet). As I've said before, this sort of
thing is not coincidence. Hats off to Dan for reviving one of the most
loved Star Trek episodes from the original series, in Zoey form!!!

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